EURAO Party - Summer 2017: DMR meeting on the airThe European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "DMR meeting on the air". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations. Purpose: DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) is an open standard widely used by radio amateurs in the last years. A lot of repeaters around the world are networked. The most popular DMR network is BrandMeister (BM) which dedicate the Talk Group (TG) 9201 to EURAO. Try to connect to this TG to have fun and meet other hams, or just do SWLing. Date & time: September 23th and 24th, 2017, Saturday and Sunday, 00:00-24:00 UTC. Bands & modes: in this Party there are not recommended frequencies for DMR. You have to find the repeater(s) in your area linked to the BM network. You can use this map to find yours. Or just listen its stream. Call: "CQ EURAO Party".
Exchange: because this is a QSO event, not a contest, you can talk about whatever you want, in any language
(choose one that everyone in this TG can understand),
and for About our members...
Liga Espaola de Asociaciones CB y RadioaficionadosLigaCBR is an Spanish federation founded in 1993 with the aim of supporting and promoting Citizens Band and Amateur Radio clubs and hobby. LigaCBR is also member of the European CB Federation (ECBF), which in its turn is member of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
LigaCBR has just become recently member association of EURAO.
Digital Radioamateur FranceDR@F was founded in 2009 with the aim to promote and defend digital communications for radio amateurs in France.
DR@F became member club of EURAO at Friedrichshafen.
Fdration Franaise de Ballons RadioAmateurs
was founded in 2012 with the aim to promote the launch of stratospheric balloons
with the intention to attract youth to amateur radio, scientific experimentation and care of the environment.
This summer FFBRA became member club of EURAO.
UKQRMUKQRM, founded in 2008, is a group of like-minded people concerned with man-made radio interferences and involved in minimizing their impact. With the aim of working together, UKQRM has just become member club of EURAO. News in brief
EURAO Newsletter: issue dates
EuroBureauQSL: entry points
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