YO9KCS: Radio club at the National Pedagogical College
The EURAO member association in Romania
Asociatia RadioStiinta, YO9KBZ, is carrying out the project "Amateur radio for all!",
which implies an intense work to disseminate amateur radio in the country's schools.
As a result of this action, a radio club has just been inaugurated this month at the National Pedagogical College "Spiru Haret" from Buzau.
Others are on the way...
EUDOTA: Europe Day "on the air" 2024
This year, 9 May is on Thursday, but we will be active from Friday 3 until Sunday 12, the whole week,
with the special callsigns: AO1EU, AO2EU, AO3EU, AO4EU, AO5EU, AO6EU, AO7EU, AO8EU and AO9EU,
to commemorate the creation of the EU in 1950.
As usual, special QSL and Award will be available. Contact also valid for the Radio Clubs of the World Award, EANET.
Follow the event through the hashtag: #eudota.