EURAO Award: rewarding Hams and SWLs around the world
How many countries have you already contacted or listened? How many of them in Europe?
To get this Award is as easy as answering these two questions.
For the basic version of EURAO Award only 10 countries are required, 7 of them European ones. For the bronze, silver or gold version; you will need 25, 50 or 75 countries.
QSL cards received via EuroBureauQSL will be considered automatically sufficient evidence of confirmation, otherwise, you should use one of our check points.
New members: Amateurfunk Club Deutschland e.V., DL0AFC
AFCD is a very young German association of radio amateurs,
just founded last year (2012), whose purpose is: to promote international understanding and friendship in the field of amateur radio,
specially for young people, in technical and social skills, with training and emergency communication activities.
The full matching with EURAO objectives made them decide to join and share mutual projects. https://www.amateurfunk-club-deutschland.de
EuroBureauQSL for EURAO members: how does it work?
The EURAO individual membership fee includes
the FREE exchange of QSLs between members worldwide. All you have to do is send all cards together to our
'central redistribution point' at EA3RKF. Then, you will receive the reply QSLs at home with our quarterly paper
Newsletter. Quite easy, isn't it?
AOxEU: Europe Day "on the air" 2013
Next 9 May active again: AO1EU, AO2EU, AO3EU, AO4EU, AO5EU, AO6EU, AO7EU, AO8EU and AO9EU,
special callsigns to commemorate the creation of the EU
and European Radio Amateurs' Organization (EURAO), which Federacin Digital EA is a founding member
and who offers this QSL and Award to you.
The contact is also valid for the Radio Clubs of the World Award, EANET.