The European Radio Amateurs' Organization, together with the 30 Meter Digital Group,
announce a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "be digital, explore 30m".
Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.
Purpose: to promote this magnificent band, all digital modes, have fun and meet other hams all over the world.
Of course also SWLing is welcome.
Date & time: December 20th and 21st, 2014, Saturday and Sunday, 00:00-24:00 UTC.
Bands & modes: these are the recommended modes/frequencies (+/-) for the 30m band:
CW/10.100-10.130, SSTV-N/10.132 and 10.144, WSPR/10.1386, JT65/10.138-10.140, BPSK31/10.140-10.142, RTTY/10.142-10.145,
ROS/10.144-10.145, FeldHELL/10.144, APRS/10.1491-10.1495 MHz.
Tools: HamSpots,
Band Chart.
Call: "CQ EURAO Party".
(read more...)
Amateur Radio News... (cont.)
The so-called EANET Sprint Contest, for short, was held last November 9 for the fourth time.
Participation of radio clubs increased and the true starlette was F8URC, the only club station not Spanish,
a highly desired multiplier.
However, the winners in radio club category have been: EA4RKA, EA5RCD
and EA3RKF; and in radio amateur category: EC7BM, EA4FZC
and EA7IXG.
All of them will receive the deserved prizes before Christmas. Congratulations and hope to hear you next year!
EuroBureauQSL, the EURAO's QSL Bureaus Global Network, has an XML interface ready to provide
simple information to external software and applications about whether an specific callsign can receive or not cards via this system.
The answer is just: Yes or No.
About our members...
is a young association of radio amateurs from Romania, founded in 2013, and focused on encouraging youth and beginners to became hams,
with a lot of funny activities, workshops, scout camps, IOTA, SOTA, classes, vintage radios exhibition and restoration,
emergency communications strategy, contests and much much more.
Recently it became member association of EURAO and responsible for the entry point of EuroBureauQSL
in its country.
News in brief
- XR2T, Damas Island: DXpedition held on October 8-12, 2014, in Humboldt Penguin National Reserve (Chile),
sponsored by FEDERACHI. Get QSL via EuroBureauQSL.
- EURAO moves to France: last November 15, 2014, the General Assembly approved to transfer
its registered office to that country, one of the signatories of the
ETS No. 124.
- TM60AT, Alan Turing: all weekends of December 2014, from Friday to Sunday,
F8URC will commemorate, with this SES, the 60th anniversary of the death of that computer science pioneer.
QSL via EuroBureauQSL.
- 66th International DX Convention: on April 17-19, 2015, in Visalia, California, USA,
sponsored by the Northern California DX Club.
EURAO Newsletter: issue dates
- February
- June
- September
- December
Image archive

International QSL Service.
EuroBureauQSL: entry points
- Argentina: LU1MA - CRC - P.O. Box 232 - 5500 Mendoza [web]
- Belgium: FRA - P.O. Box 1630 - B-1000 Brussels 1 [web]
- Chile: CE3FED - FEDERACHI - P.O. Box 9570 - Santiago 21 [web]
- Costa Rica: TI2WMP - Waldyn Murillo Pérez - P.O. Box 117-1450 - 10601 San José [web]
- France: F8URC - URC - 162 rue Roger Salengro - F-62330 Isbergues [web]
- Germany: DL0AFC - AFCD - P.O. Box 300128 - D-50771 Koeln [web]
- Greece: HAG - 22, Kassandras Str. - GR-10447 Votanikos - Athens (Attika) [web]
- India: VU2DSI - Datta Deogaonkar - "Surabhi", Meherabad - Ahmednagar 414006
- Italy: IT9BCC - Nino Caracci - Via Campobello, 108 - 91022 Castelvetrano
- Luxembourg: LX9AK - ADRAD - P.O. Box 26 - L-3601 Kayl [web]
- Portugal: CT1TGM - TRGM - P.O. Box 497 - P-3001-906 Coimbra [web]
- Romania: YO9KYO - ARR - Str. Stelica Berechet, 23 - RO-087070 Comuna Daia, Judetul Giurgiu
- Russia: RO6L - RQSL - P.O. Box 515 - 344000 Rostov-on-Don [web]
- Spain and Andorra: EA3RKF - FEDI-EA - P.O. Box 3050 - E-08200 Sabadell (Barcelona) [web]
- Uruguay: CX3CCC - Radiogrupo Sur - P.O. Box 950 - 11000 Montevideo [web]
- USA: W2EN - Douglas Rue - 21 Jeffrey Court - Somerville, NJ 08876
- Venezuela: YY5PEZ - Bernardino Soares - P.O. Box 195, O.P.T. San Juan de los Morros - Estado Guarico - CP 2301