CEPT/ECC-EURAO: formal agreement signed
EURAO recently signed a
Letter of Understanding (LoU) with the Electronic Communications Committee
(ECC) of the European Conference of Postal
and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT).
Its aim is to cooperate in all Amateur Radio matters.
EURAO-10 at HAM RADIO 2015: global meeting together
10th anniversary of EURAO and
fourth time attending the exhibition in Friedrichshafen (Germany).
Lots of hams to greet and exchange views. Members, yes, but also friends. Some of them old friends of each year. Others just met for the first time. True ham spirit in the air. That's our hobby, that's EURAO.
Celebration, delicatessen, friendship, Assembly, QSL traffic, etc. Let's tell you what happened that weekend...
EURAO at Atlantykron Summer Academy 2015
Vicepresident of EURAO,
Petrica Stolnicu, YO9RIJ, gave a chat in early August to a few hundreds of youngsters attending this international camp on the
Stone Ring island in the Danube river, near Capidava (Romania).
Among the attendees also there were the former Minister for Youth and Sport, Mr. Alexandru Mironov; and the first Romanian man in space, Gr (R) Dr. Dumitru Prunariu.
Our member association ARR operated during the event a radio amateur station on the island with the callsign YP0IP.
Mount Abu International Ham Radio Club Field Day 2015
A field day cum get together was organized on 16 August by MHRC along with
Gujarat Institute of Amateur Radio (GIAR) in the premises of Brahmakumaris, Mt. Abu (India).
The purpose of Field Day is to demonstrate ham radio's reliability under any conditions. During field day hams with their slogan: "When All Else Fails, Ham Radio Works", have proved that they can send messages in many forms without the use of phone systems, internet or any other infrastructure that can be compromised in a crisis.