CQ CQ CQ International Space Station, this is the Earth
Assisting the school Asunción de Ntra. Sra., in Barcelona, Spain, in its challenge of contacting
ISS, was a real pleasure and a privilege for FEDI-EA members team.
See the children's face, the excitement of the teachers and the nerves of managers, parents and neighbors; surrounded by media,
interested in those 10 minutes, was priceless.
Thanks to the ARISS team who made the contact possible via telebridge: PE1KEH; KH6GJV and KE6UAY, operating ground station W6SRJ from California, USA; and, of course, KE5HOD, the astronaut, aboard NA1SS.
EURAOnet project: a ham radio network for the society
Last September, members of CISAR, FEDI-EA, FRC and guifi.net met at
Barcelona University premises to talk about technical and financial details of this ambitious, multidisciplinary and multinational
project. It is not an easy one, but the work is worth it and goes on.
In the left picture: IW3IBG, EA3CIW and IW4ELL after the meeting and before a restorative lunch. Mmm...
Radio Clubs of the World Sprint Contest 2016: final results
The so-called EANET Sprint Contest, for short, was held last November 6 for the sixth time.
Despite bad propagation, amusement was assured by a lot of enthusiasts who come every year to the call.
In radio club category the winners have been: EA5RCD, EA1RKS and EA5RKJ; and in the radio amateur category: EA4FR, EA7YV and EC7BM.
All of them will receive the deserved prizes before Christmas. Congratulations and hope to hear you next year!