The European Radio Amateurs' Organization
announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "discover the WARC bands: 17m".
Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.
Purpose: 17m band is only 100 KHz wide (18.068-18.168 MHz) but it is quieter and less noisy than others,
mainly on weekends when the big contests are underway. The idea of this party is to promote the band and its calm and peaceful use,
ragchewing, having fun and meeting other hams all over the world. Of course also SWLing is welcome.
Date & time: February 17th and 18th, 2018, Saturday and Sunday, 00:00-24:00 UTC.
Bands & modes: these are the recommended modes/frequencies (+/-) for the 17m band:
CW/18.068-18.095, digital/18.095-18.111, and SSB/18.111-18.168 MHz.
More detailed info.
Call: "CQ EURAO Party".
Exchange: because this is a QSO event, not a contest, you can talk about whatever you want, in any language,
and for as long as you like.
Here are some topic suggestions to get the conversation going: name, city, locator, weather, antennas, rigs, etc.
Also talk about QSL interchange. Tell the truth. Say "no, thanks" if you are not interested in QSL cards.
But if you would like to have a memory of your contact, feel free to use our EuroBureauQSL (see below).
Logs: for statistic purposes only, we ask participants to submit their logs to in ADIF format, where the filename should be your callsign (e.g. EA3RKF.ADI).
There will be no results or league tables, only statistical information about number of QSOs, countries, callsigns, OMs/YLs/Clubs, etc.
Certificate of Participation: for those sending the log and with a minimum of 10% QSOs confirmed.
EuroBureauQSL: you can use it to interchange QSLs even if you are not member. In this case, just send the QSL
to the entry point in the country of the station you have contacted.
About our members...
was founded in 1998 as an NGO devoted to
promote among youngsters the interest in science and technology, aerospace exploration and amateur radio communications
as a common bond for all those interested in the culture of science.
AMSAT-CT became member club of EURAO to expand its goals and boundaries.
News in brief
- 100th Armistice Day Award: SES CS2CEM will be on air: 30/1, 8/4, 13/5, 18/5, 10/6 and 11/11/2018 on HF&VHF bands.
Sponsored by ARRLx:
- TM50URC: SES in occasion of 50th anniversary of URC, on air:
10-11/2, 17-18/2, 10-11/3, 14-15/4, 1/5, 8/5 and 19-21/5/2018 on HF&VHF bands. eQSL available.
- AO3MWC: SES in occasion of Mobile World Congress 2018, on air 24 February - 4 March.
- St Patrick's Day Award: from 12 noon on 16th March till 12 noon on the 18th March, 2018. Let's turn the bands green!
- TM100VE: SES in occasion of 100th anniversary of armistice signed with the Canadians,
on air: 12/3, 17-19/3, 24-26/3, 31/3, 1-2/4, 7-9/4, 16/4 and 7/5/2018 on HF&VHF bands. eQSL available.
- STARcon 2018: Scientific & Technical Amateur Radio congress on April 21-22 in Murcia (Spain).
- 20th EXPO 98 & 520th Discovery of the maritime Path to India Award: SES on air: CS20EXP 20/5 & 30/9,
CR520D 9-10/6, CS10DP 10/6, CS5GCB 10/6, CR600M 1/11/2018 on HF, VHF, CB & PMR bands.
Sponsored by ARRLx:
- TM50GGR: SES in occasion of the first Golden Globe Race in 1968,
on air: 26-27/5, 2-3/6, 9/6 and 4/7/2018 on HF&VHF bands.
EURAO Newsletter: issue dates
- February
- June
- September
- December
Image archive

International QSL Service.
EuroBureauQSL: entry points
- Algeria: 7X2JV - Noury B.M. - P.O. Box 87 - Bouarfa 09019 Blida
- Belgium: FRA - P.O. Box 393 - B-1000 Brussels 1 [web]
- Chile: CE3FED - FEDERACHI - P.O. Box 9570 - Santiago 21 [web]
- Costa Rica: TI2WMP - Waldyn Murillo Pérez - P.O. Box 117-1450 - 10601 San José [web]
- France: F8URC - URC - 3 rue Saint Lugle - F-62190 Lillers [web]
- Greece: HAG - 22, Kassandras Str. - GR-10447 Votanikos - Athens (Attika) [web]
- India: VU2BK - MHRC - Brahma Kumaris, Shantivan Campus - Dist. Sirohi, 307510 Rajasthan [web]
- Italy: IW2ETR - Paolo Fiorelli - Via Monsignor Danieli, 34 - 23017 Morbegno, SO [web]
- Portugal: CT1TGM - TRGM - P.O. Box 497 - P-3001-906 Coimbra [web]
- Romania: YO9RIJ - Petrica Stolnicu - CP 12, Ghiseul 1, Buzau 7 - RO-120340 Buzau
- Spain and Andorra: EA3RKF - FEDI-EA - P.O. Box 3050 - E-08200 Sabadell (Barcelona) [web]
- Ukraine: UNGO-UARL - P.O. Box 33 - 01001 Kyiv
- Uruguay: CX3CCC - Radiogrupo Sur - P.O. Box 950 - 11000 Montevideo [web]
- USA: W2EN - Douglas Rue - 21 Jeffrey Court - Somerville, NJ 08876
- Venezuela: YV4VV - Radio Club Valencia - P.O. Box 510 - 2001 Valencia, CA [web]