CT1BAT new Vice-president of EURAO
José Machado, CT1BAT, has just been elected unanimously new Vice-president of EURAO by its Board of Directors,
after the resignation of F1SXC before the summer.
José has extensive experience in the field of amateur radio and associationism. Since 2008 he is president of Tertúlia Radioamadorística Guglielmo Marconi, CS5TRGM, and very committed with the EuroBureauQSL project in Portugal from the beginning.
Hope he has success and good luck!
YP-XMAS at the third edition
Santa Claus and his Ham Radio elves are coming back to YO again in 2018 for the third consecutive time. The YP-XMAS callsigns are already a
tradition and the Romanian RadioClub Association (ARR) aims again to give to the Radio Community moments of joy around the
Winter Holidays.
Radio Clubs of the World Sprint Contest 2018: final results
The so-called EANET Sprint Contest, for short, was held last November 4 for the eighth time.
Less participants in this edition but with more operators in club stations: novices and young people. Good to share and promote ham radio.
In radio club category the winners have been: EA3RKM, EA3RCI and EA1RKS; and in the radio amateur category: EA3HLM, EA3HKY and IK1GPG.
All of them will receive the deserved prizes before Christmas. Congratulations and hope to hear you next year!