EURAO now on LinkedIn
The European Radio Amateurs' Organization now has a page in the most popular professional social network:
LinkedIn. Visit it and follow us. You can also explain in your profile that you are a member of our association.
Radio Clubs of the World Sprint Contest 2019: final results
The so-called EANET Sprint Contest, for short, was held last November 3 for the ninth time
with a notable increase in participation, especially radio clubs, and a double draw.
In radio club category the winners have been: EA3RCI and EA7RKV, which share first and second position, followed by EA3RKM; and in the radio amateur category: EA5HRE, EA4RY and, also ex aequo, EA3HLM and EA3HKY.
All of them will receive the deserved prizes before Christmas. Congratulations and hope to hear you next year!