IW3IBG new Vice-president of EURAO
Giorgio Pagan, IW3IBG, has just been elected unanimously new Vice-president of EURAO by its
Board of Directors, after the resignation of CT1BAT some months ago.
To tell the truth, Giorgio already participated in the first foundational conversations of EURAO, even before the effective constitution of the Promoters Committee.
Giorgio, who is a great technician, has an extensive experience in the field of amateur radio and associationism, having held various positions in his association: Centro Italiano di Sperimentazione ed Attività Radiantistiche (CISAR), and has many projects in mind.
Hope he has success and good luck!
EU-DX Contest 2021: first edition
Designed and organized by the European DX Contest Club (EUDXCC), the aim of this
'EuropeanUnion Dx Contest' is to be a world-wide competition which gives a relevant role to the European Union countries
and regions.
To be held on February 6-7, starting at 18.00Z Saturday and ending at 18.00Z Sunday (24 hours), this contest has caught the attention of EURAO who decided to sponsor it, paying for the plaques to the winners in the categories of SOAB-MIX-HP, SOAB-CW-HP and SOAB-SSB-HP.